It is the policy of the club that all players who regularly attend practices and fulfill other team obligations should receive no less than the following approximate levels of playing time: equal playing time for U8 and U9, 50% for all U10 and U11 teams, 30% for U12. There are no playing time minimums for players on U13 and U14 teams.
These levels are expected for every game (not an average over the course of the season). If you have any questions, please address them to your Directors of Coaching.
Please note that in order for your child to have the playing time policies apply to them, your child must:
arrive to practice and games promptly at the time directed by the Professional Trainer,
be committed to the team (which means that they attend practices and games as a high priority),
have paid their fees to the club and team,
attend practice regularly,
behave respectfully at all teammates, coaches, opposing players and officials at practices and games, and not disrupt the practice.
Practice Policies
Practices for fall and spring seasons will be scheduled as soon as practically possible. For the upcoming fall season the schedules will not be determined prior to team selections and commitments are due.
SYSC will do our best to accommodate conflicts but there is no perfect solution
Families please consider the commitment and other SYSC policies in your decision to commit to SYSC
Practice time is a commitment to the team. Players who do not show up to practice on a regular basis in the fall season (in season sport) for reasons other than religious conflicts might see play time impacted. See the minimum playing time policy for additional detail.
SYSC appreciates everyone's understanding
If you have any questions, please reach out to Cole Penny at,