There are two roles for parents on each team,
Parent Manager and Parent Assistant Coach

It is required that every team has at least one carded Parent Assistant Coach. The parent assistant coaches are the only parents allowed on the sidelines with the players and are the only ones allowed to step in on behalf of the SIT coach in the event that he/she is unavailable. If there is no carded coach available at a game, the team forfeits per WYSL rules.
It is required that the team has one Parent Manager. This role is more organizational and this role is key in making sure the season runs smoothly from week to week. If there are several Parent Assistant Coaches on the team, then this role can be split among those Parent Assistant Coaches or designated to one of the PACs.
Each team MUST have one parent designated as a Parent Assistant Coach. If the team has two volunteers both can be designated as the Parent Assistant Coach OR, one parent can be designated the Parent Manager and one as the Parent Assistant Coach. IMPORTANT – both roles are a full year commitment beginning in August.
U8 - Recommend at least 2 (3 preferable) Parent Assistant Coaches given the format of the 4x4 games as a team will field two teams simultaneously. See U8 Travel Soccer page for more detail.
* If Parent Assistant Coaches receive red cards during a game, it is the parent's responsibility to pay the fine.
Roles and Responsibilities for Parent Volunteers
We have put together a quick guide below for Parent Managers’ ease of reference but please refer below for the full list of Parent Manager and Parent Assistant Coach responsibilities.
There are specific training requirements depending on the role of Parent Manager or Parent Assistant Coach. Please refer here for the requirements which must be completed prior to the start of the season. You will not be allowed to be on the roster, coach, or have a pass as of September 1, 2019 as a Parent Volunteer without completing at least the background check component of these requirements. * Always best to do this in June when you register your children.
Familiarize yourself with the SI Play Team Website and App and communicating to the team through the App. This app will enable you to customize messages to the team, manage game changes, etc. If trouble with app, delete and download again or logout and log back in.
Register your teams for State Cup or Westchester Cup, if applicable.
Introduce yourself to the team (with Both Parent Managers and Parent Assistant Coaches)
Read the WYSL Rules
Read the Min. Playing Time Policy
The Parent Volunteer's role is principally administrative. Ongoing responsibilities include facilitating registration and collecting registration related materials, communication and coordination as described in more detail below.
The Parent Volunteer should also try to foster team building whether through seasonal team parties or other sorts of events, especially at the beginning of each season.
Length of service
We encourage all parent volunteers to continue with their child’s team year to year, however, we understand that this is not always possible. We do require that Parent Managers commit to a team from June to August. This time frame allows for a smooth transition from one year to the next.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Cole Penny at communications@scarsdalesoccer.net, volunteer@scarsdalesoccer.net